In spite of its popularity, Atkins diet is also criticized a lot. There are different opinions about Atkins diet. Health experts, doctors and diet specialists view differently when it comes to Atkins diet and any other low carbohydrate diets. While some are in favor and agree that it is healthy way for reducing, few opines that it is effective for a short-term basis only. Some are of the opinion that it is a dangerous method to follow.

But the success of Atkins diet is measurable with thousands of individuals who have adopted. The success of Atkins diet can be attributed to those individuals who share their personal experience and how effectively they could reduce their weight with the help of Atkins diet process. All these are recorded as testimonials and show the benefit of living healthier with low carbohydrate way of living.

The foremost criticism of Atkins diet is it has high fat calories. Sometimes people have the misconception that diet means it should not contain any oil, butter and fatty meaty products and they are treated as too high in fat. But if you follow Atkins dieting programs and guidelines, the main focus is on good fats only. The emphasis is mainly on some extra virgin olive oil and other important fats only. The right quantity and proper usage of these oils is vital for brain functioning and mood management

Another criticism is, Atkins diet does not give importance to exercise. Its main focus is on food only. But this is not correct and Atkins book clearly emphasizes the need for exercising. Aerobic and anaerobic exercises are recommended for weight loss. Food choices are given as they form an integral part and more attention on eating different forms of food is given for dieters than what normally people eat.

Many Atkins critics are of the view that it is impossible to keep diet for a long term. They admit that Atkins diet is effective on short term basis only for reducing weight. As life style changes, it is hard to maintain it. On the other hand, people who have followed Atkins diet and are successful claim that it is the easiest diet to follow. The Atkins plan suggests rich and healthy food while dieting which is not allowed in other dieting programs. It also has appetite suppressing effects. With the quick reduction of weight loss Atkins is easy to follow for a long term as it motivates many people.

Atkins critic have also pointed that constipation and bad breadth are the side effects. However, they seldom happen and even if they occur, they happen only during the first phase of the diet. To avoid this problem, dieters should take plenty of drinking water.

Any diets have pros and cons. People who do not prefer meat can not adopt Atkins diet. One has to go beyond all criticism and understand the exact pattern of Atkins diet for consideration and follow up.