A Nordic diet or Mediterranean diet has been considered best for our bodies. These are made with fresh seasonal produce, cooked from scratch combined with a healthy approach. The Nordic and Scandinavian lifestyle is considered incredibly healthy and it consists of a balanced diet of homemade dishes that use seasonal, local ingredients many of which grown in their own gardens.

Recently, new researchers have found that eating the Nordic way will also help reduce blood pressure and encourage weight loss. Healthy home cooked food brings everyone together after a long day of work to talk, unwind and enjoy them as they sit together, eat and that’s why the Nordic diet is so refreshing.

Nordic cuisine is usually made up of fresh berries, fish and game foods that thrive in colder northern climates. The Nordic Diet builds on tradition as the meals are balanced and focused on whole grains and seasonal produce. The kitchen should be the centre-point of your house and mealtimes should be shared with friends and families as much as possible.

Nordic cooking is based on fewer ingredients and on more high-quality ingredients cultivated in cold and dry Nordic climate which significantly influences the flavor of the ingredients. Nordic dishes are generally not more complicated and most people love them because the individual flavors and ingredients can be recognized and enjoyed for what they are. The rich flavors, the freshness and the simplicity of the dishes and healthy dinner recipes made from the best organic ingredients. Over the recent years, new Scandinavian cooking has become extremely popular all over the world.

Karla’s Nordic Kitchen give you some inspiration for your own home cooking and full of easy healthy dinner recipes such as low carb spaghetti with mussels, healthy beetroot salad, spaghetti squash recipe, easy lasagna recipe, easy quinoa salad recipe, lentil salad and much more on their blog. All recipes are healthy vegetarian recipes with a Nordic twist.
