Ingredients Ingredients for Dough:Flour 4 cups Water 1 cups Salt one pinch Yellow food coloringShortening Method of Preparation Mix flour and salt together in bowl. Dissolve few drops of yellow food coloring in water and pour the colour into the… Continue Reading →
Many Italian recipes are delicious like chicken cacciatore, Sicilian Lasagna, Pasta Fagioli and many others. If you are mad after Italian dishes you can go in for Barilla, the renowned pasta company with innumerable pasta recipes and useful information on… Continue Reading →
Ingredients Cream cheese pound (at room temperature)Butter pound (at room temperature)Flour 3 cups Walnuts (finely ground) 1 poundEgg (large) 1 number Sugar 1 cup Water required quantity Method of Preparation Heat the oven and bring it to 375F. In a… Continue Reading →