What is so Appealing in a Lemon Juice and Water Diet?

The high appeal in any kind of diet is weight loss. On a sad note, if you are looking into a quick weight loss program through a lemon juice and water diet, you are not going to find it. Such a diet is mainly used for detoxing and not for weight loss.

Diet is a word that exists when there are added weight loss that can take place along with some benefits. Diet is a term used when you change your food habits into something for better health for a while. Nevertheless, the striking feature of the lemon juice and water diet is its effectiveness and the ease with which it can be made.

All you need is some freshly squeezed lemons and some water. In todays modern world, the lemon juice and water diet has topped all other diets and come out to be the bets detox agent. The other popular fruit juice diets are the grapefruit juice diet.

Detoxification is the Main Goal of This Diet

The lemon juice and water diet concentrates on detoxification not weight loss. In todays modern way of living, we consume lot of processed foods, carbonated drinks, synthetically enhanced foods and drinks, as well as breather in air that is polluted, apply synthetic creams as well as lotions and gels on our body that causes toxins to enter our body, and the lemon juice and water diet gets rid of such toxins and chemicals.

Lemon juice is rich in antioxidants that cling on to the toxins in your body and remove them off. Lemon juice is also very rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that improve your immunity and better health. Although we have only looked at the positive side of the lemon juice and water diet, there is a negative side to it. The process of detoxifying can cause headaches, dizziness, stomach cramps, as well as irritability.

Such symptoms are common when it comes to a lemon juice and water diet. Anyhow, you must consult a doctor before starting such a diet, as he or she will be able to determine if you are in a health state to withstand the stress caused by such a diet. Any day the side effects that come across with the detoxifying process is worthwhile by the end of the day.