Looking for a delicious cornbread dressing recipe? Look no further! This recipe is easy to follow and yields a delicious and moist cornbread dressing that the whole family will love. Simply preheat your oven and bake the cornbread according to the recipe instructions.

Once it’s cooled, crumble it into a large bowl. Add in the sauteed vegetables, chicken broth, eggs, and seasonings, and mix everything together well. Pour the mixture into a baking dish and bake it until it’s golden brown and cooked through. Serve warm and enjoy!

cornbread dressing recipe


cornbread dressing

Method of Preparation

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Blend them well. Put them into non-stick dish. Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes or until it is light brown and set. Yummy cornbread dressing is ready to serve. Makes about 8 servings. Each serving is cup. Exchange:1 bread and fat.

Keto Bread